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Never Buy NMN Raw Materials Directly To Eat, The Harm Is Too Great!

Mar 18,2024 | Kevin Aidevi

Never buy NMN raw materials directly to eat, the harm is too great!

AIDEVI's research has found that in single-formula NMN, only about 20% of NMN is absorbed by the human body through the stomach, intestines, and bloodstream, which is a very poor efficiency, resulting in the wastage of most NMN powder. Additionally, the research also indicates that NMN powder is prone to moisture absorption and chemical reactions when exposed to air, making quality control difficult. Therefore, AIDEVI has developed NMN18000, utilizing a composite formula with a golden ratio to address these challenges.

In terms of the raw materials themselves, firstly, these so-called raw materials may likely be of inferior quality or even substituted with other ingredients.

Secondly, even if the NMN raw materials are genuine, consuming them directly carries significant risks.

Currently, there are four main extraction technologies for NMN raw materials: chemical synthesis, fermentation, enzymatic method, and the combination of directed enzyme evolution technology and enzymatic method. The assessment of NMN extraction technology mainly focuses on the following three points:

  1. Safety without chemical residues.
  2. Sufficiently high purity of NMN.
  3. Adequate content of β-NMN.


Yeast Method: Yeast cells are cultured in a medium containing nicotinic acid to ferment NMN. Then, NMN is extracted from the fermentation broth through centrifugation, filtration, and other steps. Yeast contains abundant NAD+, an isomer of NAD+ present in the human body, making yeast a common method for NMN extraction.

Chemical Synthesis Method: NMN is synthesized from raw materials through various chemical reactions. Although this method can yield high-purity NMN, it comes with high costs and may produce chemical impurities during production, posing potential threats to human health.

Enzymatic Catalysis Method: This method mimics the catalytic process of enzymes in the human body to synthesize NMN directly in vitro. It is currently the leading technology in the industry, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and harmless. NMN extracted using this method has high purity, is easily converted into NAD+ in the body, and is readily absorbed.

Biological Enzyme Synthesis + Directed Enzyme Evolution Technology: The fourth-generation extraction technology combines biological enzyme synthesis with directed enzyme evolution technology. Frances H. Arnold, an American scientist, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work in directed enzyme evolution technology. This technology greatly enhances enzyme activity and specificity, making it safer.

Potential Problems with Direct Consumption of NMN Raw Materials:

Problem 1: Chemical Residues Chemical residues are indeed a potential issue when using chemical synthesis to produce NMN raw materials. Due to the low cost of chemical synthesis, some manufacturers may opt for this method, leading to harmful chemical residues in the raw materials. These residues may pose potential health risks, such as allergic reactions or chronic toxicity from long-term ingestion.

Problem 2: Raw Material Contamination There is indeed a risk of microbial contamination during the storage, packaging, and transportation of raw materials. Improper handling and protection of raw materials during these processes may result in microbial contamination, increasing health and safety risks. Therefore, reputable NMN products undergo rigorous testing before leaving the factory to ensure that the purity and additives of the raw materials meet quality standards, and to check for compliance with safety standards for microorganisms, heavy metals, etc. When purchasing NMN products, consumers should buy from reputable sources and check the product's test reports and certifications.

Problem 3: Limited Effectiveness Even NMN raw materials processed using mainstream technologies may have limited effectiveness. This could be due to the synergistic effects of other factors required for NMN to convert into NAD+ in the body.

NMN powder is indeed suitable for consumption, but it's crucial to ensure it comes from reliable and safe sources. AIDEVI employs Biological Enzyme Synthesis + Directed Enzyme Evolution Technology to lock in the efficacy of NMN through multiple components. Subsequently, it is formed into tablets in a dust-free, sealed environment, making it less prone to moisture absorption and oxidation, thus ensuring food safety and hygiene.


